Your Career

A brief case. Get a job, start a career, blah blah blah, earn money...The most obvious way to earn money is to get a job.

But there is more to consider in a career than just the money. If you want to have a satisfying experience at work (which is possible), you should take into consideration all sorts of other factors, such as work hours, location, environment, and what the job even is.

There are some useful links to the right that can help you find information about getting a job. is a useful job search site.

For a 10-minute PowerPoint video presentation from professors at California State University, Northridge about goal setting, career planning, and budgeting click here.

For a 26-minute PowerPoint video presentation from professors at CSUN with information to help you figure out about job benefits, click here.

For information from Practical Money Skills for Life, click here.

For information from the Financial Planning Association, click here.

If you’ve recently lost your job, click here for information from the FPA. Or click here if you need to file for bankruptcy.


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