Do you know what your current financial situation is? Have you made a personal budget sheet? If you answered “no” to these two questions, click here.
Now, think about your current financial situation. This can give you valuable insight into what you can set as a goal. For example, are you deeply in debt? Maybe you should focus on getting out of debt.
There are different types of goals, and they can generally be thought of in different ways. To read about what CashCourse has to say about setting financial goals, click here.
Now that you understand the different types of goals, what do you think your goals might be?
Here are some suggestions:
- Get out of debt
- Start a college fund for you or your children
- Save enough each year to be able to take a vacation with your family
- Start saving for retirement
For a 16-minute PowerPoint video presentation from professors at California State University, Northridge about the financial planning process, click here.
For a 10-minute PowerPoint video presentation from professors at California State University, Northridge about goal setting, career planning, and budgeting click here.
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